Leading with a culture of respect, growth opportunities, fun work environment Leading a happy COMPANY

Growth, Respect, Fun
Decision Criteria 3
INBREIN's Three decision criteria are growth, respect and fun.
Growing not only for individuals but also for members and companies, and for society Respect and understanding each other for leaving age and rank Fun to find a throbbing mind in ordinary day
The three decision criteria are the criteria of the company, but also of each individual.
Each individual has different priorities, but the company respects that choice and helps to make it more effective.

(The Thinking Standard of Inbrein People)

T.S.I.P. is the basis for decision making which is basis for growth, respect, and fun.
Starting from various ideas, team leaders and executives reviewed the contents of each,
reviewed the majority of opinions and other opinions, and decided on a majority rule.
Organization members treat each other with consideration and respect.

Members of INBREIN consider each other in terms of the other party in the course of the company's work.
In any situation, act on the basis of respect for members.
Through mutual consideration and respect, individual self-esteem is established and mutual harmonization balance is brought out.
Consideration and respect between the members of the company increase the value of the company and respect for the customers is the driving force of the company's development.
We learn from each other, encourage and grow together.

Members of INBREIN create an atmosphere where they can share learning to continue.
They share their work, their thoughts, and their skills and lead each other.
Ashamed of what you do not want to know, and not only what you know.
Encourage each other actively when limitations of learning or business situations happen.
They learn, encourage and grow together.
Let's work happily.

Members of INBEIN always enjoy to working.
Jobs and responsibilities at a company often make things upset, but they try to enjoy working for themselves and their coworkers.
We will try our best to make sure that our efforts to enjoy working are really a way to make us happy.